Norse Gods |
One day while Amanda and I were driving somewhere, I forget where, we got to talking about the Gods. When I think about the Gods, I tend to view them as friends, as teachers, as guides, and most of all, as family. Perhaps that's wrong for others, but it is what feels right to me. I don't know Amanda's opinion on the matter because I haven't thought to ask. I might do that...
Since I regard the Gods so highly, it stands to reason that I feel they have some presence in my home. And given that Amanda has those she likes and works with or has welcomed into her life and I have the same or others, we wondered if they would like each other, if they would fight or argue or get along. But then we wondered where they would be in our house, which rooms they would frequent. Keep in mind that while I consider myself a fairly new Heathen that is not all I am and the Heathen Gods are not the only Gods in my life.
Anyway, here is what we came up with.
Hestia and Brigid spend time in the kitchen and near the fireplace/ hearth and I can imagine them discussing recipes over tea.
Hecate- I'm not sure where Amanda thought she would be. Perhaps by the patio door?
Hern is in the bedroom, enough said there.
The Fallen Angel Penemue is in the office/ library (while he is not a God, he has a special place for Amanda and he's got one with me as well)
Kwan Yin is in the living room sipping tea and offering motherly advice along with Frigg and Freyja, perhaps even Nerthus is there. Freyja is often in the living room but she is also in the office, and kitchen depending on her mood, and most certainly with me when I am out. Her cats, I imagine school Narcisa in what it is to be a helpful cat although, I don't think she listens. Freyja's boar is outside with Frey's.
Frey, maybe in my garden, I'm not so familiar with him.
Njord I see spending time with me near water.
Skadi visits in winter.
Tyr, I am learning about him as well but I imagine him hanging out with Thor at the kitchen table and outside.
Odin, I see him in the office/ library as well, perusing books.
Loki is generally spying on every one and everything so he can create a little mischief. (I will be writing a post about my views on Loki soon)
Bast is watching over Narcisa.
Buddha sits outside beneath a tree or on my patio, and sometimes in the office/ library.
Ganesh spends time with Buddha but also in the living room.
Mani visits us at night, shining soft moonlight into our house, checking on us while we sleep.
Amaterasu and Sol visit us during the daytime, and though they are bright, I thank them for their warmth and light.
At dinner time though, I see them all congregating around the dinner table.
I am sure Amanda has more she could add and as you can see we have a house full of Gods.
Where do you see your Gods residing?